Claudine + Gabe’s wedding 5.9.09

For Claudine and Gabe wedding, I wasn’t as stressed but there was still lots of things to take care of. Maybe because I already did Valerie wedding the week before so I was able to relax and enjoy this wedding more. I have to say that the coordinator at the Marriott hotel was very helpful too and Lily really was on top of things.

The hotel had a lot of events that day i.e Bar Mitzvah, prom, wedding etc….so I had to make sure that the previous event was completely done before the wedding can start. Vendors were very easy to work with and the photographer listened to my instructions….made my life smoother that way 🙂

I have attached the rings on the pillow so the photographer can take a picture of this memory for the couple.


The bride’s dress and shoes….isn’t it just dreamy?




I love how the red pops out in every picture. The flowers are just so beautiful.

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Don’t you think the arch looks more sophisticated with the diamond drop?




I love the dropping diamonds. Check out the next picture for a closer look.


The groom’s boutonniere. I pinned all of the boutonniere for the groomsmen and parents. The boutonnieres need to stay put the whole wedding.


The place cards are simple and elegant. I had Lily (my assistant) sprinkle some flower petals on the table to stay with the red theme. I had to “borrow” some petals from the flower girl. 🙂


Party favors were placed at each table setting for guests.  Look how great the ribbon is, it says: Gabriel & Claudine. May 9th, 2009.


The gift table. Lily and I had to use a bell cart to load all the gifts and money box into the bride and groom’s suite.


The table settings. We placed a disposable camera on each table so guests could capture moments of the wedding.



I love the champagne glass shot with the lights twinkling in the back.


Look at the cake!!! I forgot what the flavor was on each layer. I just remember that the bottom layer was red velvet.



I sneaked out in the middle of the wedding to decorate the bride and groom’s suite.

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To Claudine and Gabe: Thank you for letting me plan and coordinate your wedding. You guys were such an easy, breezy, beautiful bride and groom. I had a lot of fun! I wish you both many years of memories together and have lots of fun in your shared life. I love you both dearly. Now make sure to make me food when I come over!


Venue: Manhattan Beach Marriott

Hotel Coordinator: Michelle Quintero

Hair and Make-up: Ultra Lux Salon & Lounge

Cake: Torrance Bakery

DJ: California DJs

Florals: Cyndie Chu

Officiant: Steve Kehela

Photography: Unique Photography

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